
Alle Quellen zum Mikropausen-Ratgeber


Albulescu, P., Macsinga, I., Rusu, A., Sulea, C., Bodnaru, A., & Tulbure, B. T. (2022). „Give me a break!“ A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance. Plos one, 17(8), e0272460.

Wendsche, J., & Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2016). Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt – Pausen (1. Aufl.). Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin.

Sonnentag, S., & Fritz, C. (2007). The Recovery Experience Questionnaire: Development and validation of a measure for assessing recuperation and unwinding from work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(3), 204–221. https://doi.org/10.1037/1076-8998.12.3.204

Titel der Studien zu verschiedenen Aspekten von Mikropausen:

Dehnen: “Stretching: A Research-Based Guide” (Harvard Medical School)

Atmen: “The Science Behind Deep Breathing” (University of California)

Meditation und Achtsamkeit: “Meditation’s Impact on the Brain” (Harvard Gazette)

Bewegung: “Physical Activity Reduces Burnout Risk” (Lancet Public Health)

Musik: “How Music Affects the Brain” (Stanford Medicine)

Small Talk: “The Role of Social Support in the Workplace” (University of Michigan)

Visualisieren: “Mayo Clinic: Visualization for Stress Reduction” (Mayo Clinics)

Trinken: “Hydration and Cognitive Performance” (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)